Monday, March 18, 2013

70 days till summer

Last year I took Olivia to the beach and did not go swimming with her once because I don't want to wear a bathing suit. She told me that this year she would like me to go swimming with her. So I have been on the eat clean diet for 5 weeks now and I have lost 10 pounds. Eating clean consists of veggies, fruits, and grains. So I don't eat pasta, bread, and processed foods. I haven't been able to wear a lot of my jeans since Sofia and now I can fit into like 5 pairs. I have 70 days to get it right and tight for the summer. I have a goal to be able to wear my skinny jeans on my birthday.

I saw an advertisement for bathing suits at JC Penny for 5 dollars for tops and bottoms. I am going to go buy my bathing suit for the summer tomorrow. I haven't had a bathing suit since 2003. I need to finally love my body for the way it looks. 

Here are a few pictures of me in the jeans that I can fit now...the collage is the beginning of my weight loss journey. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Weight Loss+Pics

I JUST FOUND THIS GIRLS YOUTUBE PAGE THE OTHER NIGHT...AND I LOVE HER. she has to work at being healthy and staying thin. i like her because she has struggles like normal girls and can't just eat whatever she wants and stay thin. i have been sick for two weeks and have been able to get into some jeans that i couldnt fit a while ago. i did't look for this weight loss video it just came to me. she is my motivation to become more healthy and so i will be able to fit into my skinny jeans by christmas. i still have time to do this. i just have to work hard and workout while my girls are sleeping...which really sucks because i hate working out at home. but i have to start somewhere and be healthy. SO WISH ME LUCK!!!! HERE I GO AGAIN. LOL
I JUST FOUND THIS GIRLS YOUTUBE PAGE THE OTHER NIGHT...AND I LOVE HER. she has to work at being healthy and staying thin. i like her because she has struggles like normal girls and can't just eat whatever she wants and stay thin. i have been sick for two weeks and have been able to get into some jeans that i couldnt fit a while ago. i did't look for this weight loss video it just came to me. she is my motivation to become more healthy and so i will be able to fit into my skinny jeans by christmas. i still have time to do this. i just have to work hard and workout while my girls are sleeping...which really sucks because i hate working out at home. but i have to start somewhere and be healthy. SO WISH ME LUCK!!!! HERE I GO AGAIN. LOL

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

haven't been here in a while

i haven't been here since the end of february. i haven't been able to work out as much as i need to. i found a nice trail to walk through last month and the days that are not so hot i get a good walk in. i plan on walking four miles and doing a 45 minute workout at home. i've found some ballet inspired videos to help me become lean again. but this morning on my walk i looked in the mirror and actually liked my reflection. i had to take a picture and post it. i also posted a picture of where i'd like to look in the near future. the weight will come off for sure if i start eating better also. no more mcdonalds and precessed foods. by christmas i would like to be back in the a pair of my skinny jeans that were my favorite. and if i am in them i am going to buy some boots that go over my jeans that are in style. i will post a picture of them later. gotta go take care of the the process i will be taking care of myself too!!! :)
the jeans i'd like to be in by christmas!!! wish me luck! :)